The 99th book TPA
From 1 october 2009 and until in 2014, in romanian, I have published 98 books at level online. All downloadable and gratuitous. And these represent my books, of my wife and of our ghostual Father.
First 97 books have 23. 859 pages. Plus 501 pages how has of the 98th, results 24. 360 pages. All edited between 2009-2014. And offered in gift to read. For that I and my wife appreciate the good book, worked lingeringly, which is a work of conscience.
The present article, which announces the 99th book, is written in english for that this book is in english. Is the first book in english the mark Theology for today, ie TPA. And it is about my doctoral thesis: The Sight of God in the Theology of Saint Symeon the New Theologian.
The book has 499 pages, contains my translation from romanian in english and is dedicated to my ghostual Father, Felicitous Ilie the seer of God, whose books are here.
With God’s grace, I hope as this book to be the good beginning of our mutual knowledge. I am referring to you, to english speakers everywhere.
With all the blessing,
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