Locaţii web foarte importante
Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă din Bucureşti
Adresa: Str. Sf. Ecaterina nr. 2, 040155, Bucureşti
Altă adresă web: aici.
Telefon: +40-21-335 61 17
Fax: +40-21-335 41 83
Surse medievale teologice şi istorice
Biblioteca metropolitană din Bucureşti
Project Wittenberg
Bucurestiul din vechime
Scurta istorie a internetului:
Proiectul Perseus
Keyword Searchvanced search
BrowseSf. Augustin de Hippo
Augustine of Hippo
Biblioteca romaneasca:
Revista presei: http://www.ziare.com/?ziare=ziarele_mele
Rabanus Maurus http://www.mun.ca/rabanus/
Vietile Sfintilor in romana: http://paginiortodoxe.tripod.com/vieti.html
Septembrie | Octombrie | Noiembrie | |||
Decembrie | Ianuarie | Februarie | |||
Martie | Aprilie | Mai | |||
Iunie | Iulie | August |
Arheologie biblica: http://www.biblicalarcheology.net/
Biblical Archeology
Bible and Archaeology, History, Discoveries Customs, Manners
Dacii: http://www.dacii.go.ro/index1.htm
Acasa | Materiale | Noutati | Adrese Utile | Despre
Patriarhia Romana Ortodoxa: http://www.patriarhia.ro/
Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române
Colectii de Sfinti Parinti http://www.orthodox.net/links/writings.html
Variante scripturale si carti importante ale lumii:
The American Jewess (hosted for the Jewish Women’s Archive)
American Verse Project
Anarchism Pamphlets in the Labadie Collection
Benson’s Glossarial DataBase of Middle English
Bentley Finding Aids (hosted for the Bentley Historical Library)
Bible: King James Version
Bible: Martin Luther translation
Bible: New Testament (Rheims 1582)
Bible: Revised Standard Version
Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Book of Mormon
British Women Romantic Poets (hosted for UC Davis)
The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (hosted for the Abraham Lincoln Association)
The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Conradi: Kurze Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Zähne und deren Kur
Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse
Dental Cosmos
Digital General Collection
Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament
Fisheries Research Library (hosted for the Michigan Fisheries Division Library)
Garden and Forest (hosted for the Library of Congress)
Great Lakes Digital Library
Homeopathy Collection
The Making of Ann Arbor
The Medieval Review
Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
Michigan County Histories
Michigan Early Modern English Materials
Michigan Ethnic Directory
Music Library Scores Collection
National Conference on Social Welfare Proceedings
Organic Agriculture Information Access
The Polar Bear Expedition
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Transportation History Collection: Railroads
Travels in Southeastern Europe
The United States and its Territories, 1870 – 1925: The Age of Imperialism
The University of Michigan, An Encyclopedic Survey
University of Michigan Herbarium Fungus Monographs
University of Michigan Historical Math Collection
University of Michigan, Proceedings of the Board of Regents (1837-2004)
Comentarii biblice
Cartile fundamentale ale poporului evreu: http://www.earlyjewishwritings.com
Romani pentru pace in lume: http://www.patrir.ro
Topul primelor 100 de blogurilor romanesti din wordpress.com:
YouTube pentru fostul regim din Romania:
Catavencu a ajuns pe net:
O comunitate ortodoxa americana: http://www.stanneorthodoxchurch.org
Un portal romanesc recent
Internet pentru incepatori:
Radio Webcast Media :
Radio WEBcast Media –
este primul web radio 100% interactiv din Romania.
O revista teologica baptista romaneasca scrisa inteligent
Noua fata a lui Azuresus 3.0. http://www.zudeo.com/az-web/content/BucketBrowse.html
Sfinti Parinti recenti, in engleza:http://www.orthodoxphotos.com/Holy_Fathers/index.shtml
Inlocuie pe Messenger cu Trillian:
Download Now (8.61MB)
Regula Sfantului Benedict de Nursia in latina:
Documentele care stau la baza confederatiei statelor americane:http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/help/constRedir.html
Declaration of Independence
U.S. Constitution
The Bill of Rights
The Federalist Papers
Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789
Guide to American Historical Documents Online
Charters of Freedom from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Principalele droguri si efectele lor asupra omului:
Radio BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive
Video: o tanara americanca convertita la islam:
The Ochlophobist, un blog ortodox american: http://www.ochlophobist.blogspot.com
Ad Orientem, alt blog ortodox american :
Doua bloguri ale aceluiasi autor: 1. Bolile televiziunii :
2. Hoinar pe web http://hoinar-pe-web.blogspot.com
O hiperconcordanta a Noului Testament uluitor de buna:http://www.semanticbible.com/hyperconc/hyperconc-home.html
Pr. Dorin.