În format pdf, 55p., un articol în limba română, cu bibliografie la final şi un rezumat în engleză. Îl găsiţi aici.
(în ordine cronologică)
Teologie der Hoffnung. Untersuchungen zur
Begrűndung und zu den Konsequenzen einer cristlichen
Eschatologie, Műnchen, Kaiser, 1964; Theology of Hope. On
the Ground and the Implication of a Christian Theology,
1964, SCM Press and Harper and Row, 1967.
Der Gekreuzigte Gott. Das Kreuz Christi als Grund
und Kritik christlicher Theologie, Műnchen, Kaiser, 1972;
The Crucified God. The Cross of Christ as the Foundation
and Criticism of Christian Theology, 1972, SCM Press and
Harper and Row, 1974.
Kirche in der Kraft des Geistes. Ein Beitrag zur
messisnischen Ekklesiologie, Műnchen, Kaiser, 1975; The
Church in the Power of the Spirit. A Contribution to
Messianic Eschatology, 1975, SCM Press and Harper and
Row, 1977.
Neuer Lebensstil. Schritte zur Gemeinde, Műnchen,
Kaiser, 1977; The Open Church. Invitation to a Messianic
Lifestyle, SCM Press, London ,1978.
The Future of Creation, 1977, SCM Press and Fortress
Press, London,1979.
Gotteserfahrungen. Hoffnung – Angst – Mystik,
Műnchen, Kaiser, 1979; Experiences of God, SCM Press,
London 1980.
Trinität und Reich Gottes. Zur Gotteslehre, Műnchen,
Kaiser, 1980; The Trinity and the Kingdom of God. The
Doctrine of God, SCM Press and Harper and Row, London,
Gott in der Schőpfung. Őikologische Schőpfungslehre,
Műnchen, Kaiser, 1985; God in Creation. An Ecological
Doctrine of Creation, 1985, SCM Press and Harper and Row,
London, 1985.
Der Weg Jesu Christi: Christologie in messianischen
Dimensionen, Munchen, 1989; The Way of Jesus Christ:
Christology in Messianic Dimensions, trad. de M. Kohl,
London 1990.
In der Geschichte des dreieinigen Gottes. Beträgezur
trinitarischen Theologie, Munchen, 1991; History and the
Triune God. Contributions to Trinitarian Theology,trad. de
John Bowden, London, 1991.
Der Geist des Lebens: Eine ganzheitlichePneumatologie,
Munchen, 1991; The Spirit of Life: A
Universal Affirmation , trad. de M. Kohl, London, 1992.
History of the Triune God: contributions to Trinitarian
Theology, New York, Crossroad Publications, 1992.
Wer ist Christus für uns heute?, Gütersloh, 1994; Jesus
Christ for Today’s World?, trad. de M. Kohl, London, 1994.
Das Kommen Gottes. Christiche Eschatologie,
Gütersloh, 1995; The Comming of God. Christian
Eschatology, trad. de M. Kohl, London, 1996.
Gott im project de modernen Welt. Beiträge zur
öffentlichen Relevanz der Theologie, Gütersloh, 1997; Godfor a Secular Society. The Public Relevance of Theology,trad. de M. Kohl, London, 1999.
Die Quelle des Lebens. Der Heilige Geist und die
Theologie des Lebens, Gütersloh, 1997.
How I have changed: reflections on thirty years of
theology, edited by Jurgen Moltmann, Harrisburg, Trinity
Press International, 1997.
Lucrări de referinţă ale altor autori:
Buckham, Richard, The Theology of Jürgen Moltmann,
Edinburgh, T&T Clark, 1995.
Fermet, André, Théologies d’aujourd’hui: J. Robinson,
J. Ratzinger, H. Cocs, H. Zarnt, J. Moltmann, Paris, Le
Centurion, 1973.
Kockerols, Jean, L’extrême onction de Jèsus: éléments
pour une „pneumatologa crucis” sugérés par Paul
Evdokimov, F.X. Durwell et J. Moltmann, Roma, Pontificia
Università Gregoriana, 1998.
Johnson, Timothy Luke, The Creed. What Christians
Believe and why it Maters, Doubleday, New York, London,
Konath, Joseph, Trinitarian Ecclesiology and the
Relation between Universal Church and Local Church,
Roma, f.e., 2003.
Lapide, Pinchas E., Monoteismo ebraico: dottrina
trinitaria cristiana. Un dialogo, trad. dal tedesco di Dino
Pezzetta, Brescia, Queriniana, 1980.
Meeks, M. Douglas, The Passion for Life: a Mesianic
Lifestyle, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1978.
Schwöbel, Ch. (ed.), Trinitarian Theology Today.
Essays on Divine Being and Act, Edinburgh, 1995.
Meyendorff, John, Reply to Jürgen Moltmann’s „The
Unity of the Triune God”, în St. Vladimir’s Theological
Quarterly, vol. 28 (1984).
Mrozek, Wojciech, „We believe in God, the father,
thealmighty”: a study of Jurgen Moltmann’s thought on the
first article of faith in an ecumenical debate with the
theological reflection of Dumitru Stăniloae and Karl Rahner,
Roma, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1999.
O’Donnel, John Joseph, Trinity and temporality: the
Christian doctrine of God in the light of process theology
and the theology of Hope, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Idem, The Mistery of the Triune God, London Sheed
and Ward, 1988.
Thistlethwait, S.B., Comment on Jürgen Moltmann’s
„The Unity of the Triune God”, St. Vladimir’s Theological
Quarterly, vol. 28 (1984).
Willis, Vaite W. jr., Theism, Atheism and the Doctrine
of the Trinity: the Trinitarian Theologies of Karl Barth and
Jurgen Molmann in response to Protestant Atheism, Atlanta,
Georgia, Scholars Press, 1987.
Pr. Dorin.