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MyScribe takes reading to the next level.
Easily take and share notes on any PDF or MyScribe digital book. Think your PDF will be valuable to someone else? Publish it to CaféScribe and begin sharing notes with other scribes…all for free. Come on, don’t be shy – download MyScribe, import a few PDF files and start sharing notes with your buddies.
Find friends and start sharing any of your PDFs with your friends or classmates. Share Notes with others who are reading the same stuff. Academics call it „collaborative learning”, we call it „divide and conquer” Why not share notes and figure out what is most important more quickly?
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Share notes with others who are reading the same stuff. Academics call it „collaborative learning”, we call it „divide and conquer” Why not share notes and figure out what is most important more quickly?
Rank others on how well they take notes. Find the genius note taker for your classes
Psa. Gianina.