Linişte de Biserică
Fotografiile au fost făcute de d-l Bogdan I. Stanciu, căruia îi mulţumim.
Sfânta Biserică Stavropoleos din Bucureşti
Fotografiile au fost făcute de d-l Bogdan I. Stanciu, căruia îi mulţumim.
Sfânta Biserică Stavropoleos din Bucureşti
Viaţa Sf. Evanghelist Ioan, pomenit în Biserica Ortodoxă astăzi, 26 septembrie.
Despre complexul monastic ortodox din insula Patmos, unde Sfântul Ioan a avut vedeniile Apocalipsului şi despre Sfintele Moaşte din Grecia.
Acatistul Sf. Evanghelist Ioan, de la Sf. Mănăstire Dervent din România.
Pentru alt articol închinat Sfântului Ioan, apelaţi la Război întru Cuvânt.
Pr. Dorin.
I am glad because I am the limb of your platform of blogging and for your daily attention for my work. I am an orthodox priest from Romania, a man graduated in Theology, writer and analyst of the problems of postmodern age and my pages is a departure of my consciousness.
In my posts, our Church’s believers, to discover many solutions to their daily problems and in my tags exists an appreciable diversity and beautiful solutions from our life. For the orthodox believers from Romania, my blog is a point of meeting with our Tradition and belief.
When I put for my blog images or icons from another part is not consider of anyone between us an illegal operation but a sign of friendship. I don’t carry with steeled but of writes! I publicize many blogs and sites and my links toward the other locations is a tribute of attentions from my part and my express of the gratitude.
From this reason, this post is a clarification of my position opposite of personal intentions in your platform. I am a man with the best intentions and I don’t trespasser of the law of personal property.
My works from The Theology for Today [ Teologie pentru azi], from my blog, which in Romania is a really brand in online Theology, is a work in the public benefit, non-profit and a homiletic place for a priest.
I considered I am due to you saying of these things, because I heard some insults to my address, that is possible, shall arrive and to your ears.
I thank still once for all your hospitality and I desire for you merely well for our part!
Father Dorin Octavian Piciorus
25 September 2007 .