Sermon on the 21st Sunday after Pentecost [2011]
Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord,
words are what that expresses us. They are the ones that say about the depths of us, and gestures stress them. This occurs when our words and actions are one and the same.
But when the words do not coincide with gestures of our body, we are hypocrites, because we say one and do another.
And the Parable of the sower speaks about word as about a seed. The seed that bears is the word that changes you.
And if the word changes us in good, then it has a positive ontological value. For that the change brought by the divine words is an ontological change and not at surface.
The word that builds is and the deed that rejoices. Because our actions speak for themselves about our hearts.
The godliness is manifested in the Church beautiful… and we must show it, here, in particular mode.
Why? Because of this we have learned to be men of God.
In the Church we learned becomingness, attention, shyness, decency. These components of our devotion are those that peculiarizes us. For coming from the knowledge of God and of attention to people.
Without them we smile in secular mode, with a fake friendship. We false smile, because we are not ourselves. It means that the God’s word filled not us with His glory.
And for to smile orthodox, we need to know ourselves. And self-knowledge is according to God’s will. For that only if we approach God, we approach and ourselves.
And we know that our neighbor has the same image of God as and us. Our attention to him, in this case, it is attention to God, in the first row.
And at here, in the Gospel of the Fearsome Judgment, we are taught to works of love toward all men. Because the facts of love are theological. And about this theological gestures, full of love for God, we speak now.
For that man needs not only words but also by our actions, of our special attention.
And we see, in live, when we get involved in helping others, how things in their lives are changing for the better. How then when we get involved in protecting the environment, we enjoy cleaning.
To greet someone, to help him with some information, to give a seat on the subway or bus, to keep silence in the location in which we live…are just some examples at gestures born of christian conscience.
Yes, indeed, anyone can express polite! But when our gestures are theologically motivated, then they have a deep inner resonance.
Seeking to understand your spouse or child, when God comes from obedience, is a way to gain patience. Patience gained in the family is a helpful patience and when we go to Church.
At Church, we need of silence. Silence to pray and silence to listen. And gestures born of this silence of God are those that accepted the sow of the word.
But still today, we have the remembrance of Holy Fathers of the Synod Ecumenical VII, namely of those who restored the right worship in the Church.
Holy Icons and Sacred Relics were reconfessed as mediums of the divine grace. And this restoration of truth is the accentuation of the true human ontology. Because the seed of truth borns deeds of holiness that sanctify us.
And the one iconized, the Saint, which, in icon, is presented in the mode in that he lived and died, is present and in his Holy Relics.
The icon sends at his pnevmatized body and his body, full of grace, wonder-working and nice smelling, sends to his icons and to his life that was preserved by the Church.
And when a Saint has Holy Relics kept, icons, a life written by someone, liturgical services and a day of remembrance, he has all what must for to be known and honored.
But, unfortunately, not all Saints have part of all this… and, on many, we did forget them.
And, for not to forget, we must honor, on each day, Saints of God commemorated by the Church. This attention fills us by knowledge and delicacy.
And from this holy knowledge, gentle, careful, we must manifest orthodox wherever we go. Amen!
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Sermon on the 21st Sunday after Pentecost [2011] | Teologie pentru azi, Sermon on the 21st Sunday after Pentecost [2011] | Teologie pentru azi .