Sermon on the 30th Sunday after Pentecost [2011]
Beloved brothers and sisters into the Lord,
Fulfillment of commandments is not for themselves but for that the commandments build us as spiritual people! This detail was not known by archon [Luke 18, 18, acc. GNT], who wanted the facts for themselves and not for the spiritual edification of his being.
Because facts themselves are not going anywhere if they do not make us clean, not better beautify our relation with God and with men.
But leaving all for God is the ultimate paradox [v. 22] because thanks to it we can win in the domain of churchly life.
But monasticism does not mean, automatically, salvation, as we understand at first reading, a fugitive one…After how nor life, with family, with wealth, with all sorts of worries does not mean damnation…but a way of salvation, sanctification.
And we need to understand from today’s Gospel [Luke 18, 18-27] just the fact, that the Lord overthrows the logic of man that justified himself…and He said him that the good life begins with the listening and the following of God.
For that all that does not lead me to God gets me away from Him.
And the commandments of God, the ecclesiastical legislation, the traditional institutions can be barriers of my spiritual life if I do not understand spiritually…and namely if they can not give me the spiritual freedom.
The archon felt unfulfilled as many of us, that we do not understand that orthodox life is not primarily to do something for God but to be with God.
And from here our legalism, as the jewish: we look at moral performances…but do not know where we go to our imaginary performance.
For, undoubtedly, the good idea about ourselves we have at the moral life in itself, without inner relation with God.
Because God is not a tyrant: but He sees our infirmities! He forgives the sinner not because this one makes a severe ascesis but as far as he recognizes that his life is the glory of God.
The humility is the fruit of self-knowledge, and this knowledge is a spiritual one, because it is occasioned by the grace of God.
All our good works can not lead us to humility, at the sight of our sins, if they are seen as personal glories and not as steps toward the intimacy with God.
This is the motive for that the leader asked Him about what he was missing…because he thought of a deed, a deed that he do not know…and not at the relation with Him, with his God.
And for that we find His kindness [v. 19] and for that we understand on those with impossible [v. 27], we must be paradoxical, ie divine.
Because not the wealth or its lack is our salvation but the relation with Him, as the most intense relation that we have with someone, is our salvation.
No one withdrawal from the world saves us from ourselves, as no one can push us to sin if we are glued to Him, all the time, through His glory.
And you can not think of paradoxical, ie spiritually, until you see Him as the first and single irreplaceable relation.
And we know with all, that God does not call all to monasticism…but calls us, on all, at detachment of possessions, at distance from any greed and injustice.
Because one is to have house, car, land and another is to no longer see God because of all this. And the inner distance to sin, the idea of possession means to enjoy life and God’s gifts with gratitude.
And you thank to God for all not when you think that all you’ve done you’ve done well…but then when you feel that He made everything in you…and you almost nothing.
And this is the lesson for today: things for which we do not thank to God are those that we feel that we have not done with Him…or that they are not good…
The good is done with God and for it we feel to thank God. And if a fact rebuke our mind, if it makes us feel cold and boldness to evil this is a sign that it is not a good deed…because it out us from the peace of our relation with God.
For that the holiness is not pharisaical legalism, is not indifference and lack of compassion, does not mean to kill the man for the sake of a prescription but human transfiguration through good example, through spiritual knowledge and compassion to all creation.
What’s missing us? Why do we need? Oh, yes, we are missing the real relation with God. For that being with Him we never think to us but to Him. Amen!