Sermon on the 4th Sunday of Great Lent [2012]
My Beloved,
Church calls Good-annunciation the feast of March 25, and it is not a news among others but the biggest news received by humanity.
And in this year, we celebrate this feast in the 4th Sunday of Great Lent…day in which we relive the joy of Most Clean Mistress at finding the news that will bear the Son of God.
Therefore, „today is the beginning of our salvation and revelation of the mystery of the century”.
Now we find that God made man like us, except sin, for us to make us gods through grace.
And for this motive, we can not live the sentiment that God is far from us, because He is a present reality, quotidian for us.
He is present in the Church and the world, and, especially, in every Christian Orthodox, who is a living member of Christ.
Thus is explaining why Evangel’s feast is the passage from Matthew 5, 1-12, namely the Beatitudes.
For the beatitudes are the interior content of the Orthodox life.
Poverty with the ghost does not mean stupidity but humility. It means that we have not high opinions about ourselves.
We disclaim, by this virtue, the imagination of itself…ie all egolatry that makes us awkward.
And if we are naked of ridiculous then we can complain sins. The spiritual crying comforts us heart. And a heart comforted by grace is a gentle heart.
The gentleness has not gumption.
The gentleness is just absence of any loutish asperity.
And how not hungers and thirst after righteousness, when it is a reality that fulfills your?
And we hunger and thirst for righteousness, namely the salvation of the world. For that with all we need by salvation.
The mercifulness arises from the true faith. If you believe rightly then you want the helping of all. But the help vise the salvation of man and not a temporary good.
The purity of heart is again a quotidian state. For we see God, if we must sanctify continually. And the sight of God is a reality that begins now and continues throughout eternity.
And only the seers of God want peace on earth with true. Because they know the peace of God in ecstatic mode.
And they want that the peace of God to be an all-embracing reality.
And if you want that God to be all in all, then you will not suffer for Him all? For persecuted for righteousness are they that show in their lives how works the grace of God.
And if we suffer because we are orthodoxies then we suffer from cause of God. And we rejoice and we glad divinely because God is with us and flood us with His glory.
But in addition at this Evangel, we have and Sunday’s Evangel: Mark 9, 17-32. And here we meet with a demon-possessed…one possessed by a demon that produces muteness and deafness.
An apparent disease, without physical cause…
But diseases have, in the first row, spiritual roots. Therefore Church’s insistence on cleaning the passions.
Since the young was possessed from the childhood…
Demon wanted to kill him…and therefore throws him in fire or in water.
And, instead of him, his father prays the Lord with tears.
And he believed in His help against his unbelief. And the Lord outs the demon from he…and He teaches us that demons out of man by prayer and fasting [v. 29].
But the end is reserved to His Passions [v. 31]. Son of man will be killed…but the third day He shall rise again.
Thus merges ascesis with joy in this Sunday for that we not forget that we are on path. On path that leads us at the Kingdom of God.
Therefore, pray the Lord to strengthen us on the path of fasting and prayer for that the heavenly joy to be our heart’s treasure. Amen!