Dogma and Terminology in the Orthodox Tradition Today
4th International Symposium of Orthodox Dogmatic Theology
22-25 september, 2013
Dogma and Terminology in the Orthodox Tradition Today
SUNDAY, September 22
Oval Hall, University of Sofia, Northern Building, 2nd floor
16.00-17.00 Registration
17.00-18.00 Opening Greeting from His Beatitude Neophyte Patriarch of Bulgaria
Greeting from the Rector of University of Sofia Ivan Ilchev
Greeting from the President of IAODT Prof. Fr. Ioan Tulcan
Session I (Oval Hall, 2nd floor): Language and Dogma
Moderator: Rev. Ioan Tulcan
18.00-18.20 His Eminence Ignatie Metropolitan of Braničevo (University of Belgrade): The Question of the Development of Doctrine
18.20-18.40 His Eminence Kyrillos (Katerelos) Bishop of Abydos (National and Capodistrian University of Athens): Experience of Truth and Language
18.40-19.00 George Martzelos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): The Origin of the Dyophysite Formula in the Definition of Chalcedon
19.00-19.45 Discussion
20.00 Dinner in “O,Shipka” Restaurant, “O, Shipka” 11 str.
MONDAY, September 23
Session II, Section A (Oval Hall, 2nd floor): Problems of the Christological Dogma
Moderator: Michel Stavrou
9.00-9.20 Ștefan Buchiu (University of Bucharest): Semnificația teologică a termenului Theotokos în Dogmatica Ortodoxă actuală
9.20-9.40 George D. Panagopoulos (Ecclesiastical Academy of Ioannina): The Faith of Nicaea and the Council of Chalcedon according to Codex Encyclius (457)
9.40-10.00 Rev. Porphyry (Georgi) (University of Balamand): The Christological Foundation of Spiritual Life according to St. Gregory Palamas
10.00-10.45 Discussion
10.45-11.00 Break
Session III, Section A (Oval Hall, 2nd floor): Dogma and Terminology within the Romanian context
Moderator: Marian Stoyadinov
11.00-11.20 Valer Bel (University of Cluj-Napoca “Babeş-Boylai”): Dogmele ca expresie doctrinară a planului de mântuire revelat și realizat de Dumnezeu în Hristos și extins și fructificat prin Biserică, în viziunea Părintelui Dumitru Staniloae
11.20-11.40 Cristian Sonea (University of Cluj-Napoca “Babeş-Boylai”): Teologie și teologii. Ambivalența și limitele limbajului în istorie
11.40-12.00 Cristinel Ioja (University of Arad “Aurel Vlaicu”): The Problem of Contemporary Reception of Church Dogmas
12.00-12.45 Discussion
13.00 Lunch in “O, Shipka” Restaurant“, 11 str.
Session IV, Section A (Oval Hall, 2nd floor): Dogma and Terminology within the Bulgarian context
Moderator: Rev. Valer Bel
15.00-15.20 Marian Stoyadinov (Univeristy of Veliko Tyrnovo): Δόγμα and Κήρυγμα in the Modern Context of Total Publicity
15.20-15.40 Dimo Penkov (University of Sofia): Orthodox Dogma and Spiritual Experience of the Church
15.40-16.00 Emil Traychev (University of Sofia): Some Notes on the Place of the New Testament Studies in the Modern Orthodox Theology
16.00-16.45 Discussion
16.45-17.00 Break
Session V, Section A (Oval Hall, 2nd floor): Philosophical Terminology and Dogma
Moderator: Lyubomir Tenekedziev
17.00-17.20 Kalin Yanakiev (University of Sofia): Conception of Catholicity of the Church in the Contemporary Theological Debate
17.20-17.40 Svilen Toutekov (University of Veliko Tyrnovo): Contemporary Theological Theory of Personality and the Ecclesiology of Language
17.40-18.00 Stavros Yangazoglou (Hellenic Open University of Patra): Dogma as Juridical Perception and Interpretive Process. The Terminology of the Doctrine as a Basis for the Interpretation of the Meaning of Faith
18.00-18.20 Georgi Kapriev (University of Sofia): Individual and Nature, Hypostasis and Person
18.20-19.05 Discussion
20.00 Dinner in “O, Shipka” Restaurant, “O, Shipka” 11 str.
MONDAY, September 23
Session II, Section B – in English (Hall 1 of the Rectorate):
Revelation and Language
Moderator: Peter Bouteneff
9.00-9.20 Nicolae Moșoiu (University of Sibiu “Lucian Blaga”): God – language: an Orthodox Perspective
9.20-9.40 Adrian Niculcea (University of Constanţa “Ovidius”): The Apocalyptical nature of Christian Dogma
9.40-10.00 Nikolaos Asproulis (Theological Academy of Volos): Revelation, Dogma and Theological Terminology in Georges Florovsky and John Zizioulas
10.00-10.45 Discussion
10.45-11.00 Break
Session III, Section B – in English (Hall 1 of the Rectorate): Modern reception of conciliar terminology
Moderator: Adrian Niculcea
11.00-11.20 Peter Mikhaylov (St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University of Moscow): The Frames of Possible Development of Doctrine: Before and after Nicaea
11.20-11.40 Pantelis Kalaitzidis (Theological Academy of Volos): The Issue of the ‘Dogmatic Development’ in Contemporary Orthodox Theology
11.40-12.00 Alexey Fokin (The Philosophical Institute of Moscow): Divergences between Greek and Latin Trinitarian Terminology
12.00-12.45 Discussion
13.00 Lunch in “O, Shipka” Restaurant, “O, Shipka” 11 str.
Session IV, Section B – in English (Hall 1 of the Rectorate):
Problems of theological methodology
Moderator: Rev. Nicolae Răzvan Stan
15.00-15.20 Despina D. Prassas (Providence College, Rhode Island): Gregory of Nyssa’s Letter to Ablabius
15.20-15.40 Rev. Nikolaos Loudovikos (University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki): Towards a New Understanding of Personalistic Terminology in Orthodox Theology?
15.40-16.00 Ivan Christov (University of Sofia): Phenomenological Perspective in the Modern Interpretation of St. Gregory Palamas
16.00-16.45 Discussion
16.45-17.00 Break
Session V, Section B – in English (Hall 1 of the Rectorate):
Dogmatic Insights of the 20th century
Moderator: Despina D. Prassas
17.00-17.20 Rev. Nicolae Răzvan Stan (University of Craiova): The Meaning of Dogma and Development of Doctrine in Father Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology
17.20-17.40 Christoph Schneider (Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies Cambridge): The Three Dimensions of Dogma: Orthodox Reflections on G.A. Lindbeck’s „The Nature of Doctrine”
17.40-18.00 Ciprian Toroczkai (University “Andrei Şaguna”): Confession and/or Dogma, a Romanian Orthodox Point of View
18.00-18.20 Stoyan Tanev (University of Southern Denmark, Odense): Theology and Science – Possibilities for Terminological Enrichment
18.20-19.05 Discussion
20.00 Dinner in “O, Shipka” Restaurant, “O, Shipka” 11 str.
Tuesday, September 24
Session VI (Oval Hall, 2nd floor): Dogma and Historical context
Moderators: Pantelis Kalaitzidis
9.00-9.20 Marina Kolovopoulou (National and Capodistrian University of Athens): Εὔλογος σιωπή and ἔνθεος λόγος: The Provocative Character of Theological Speech
9.20-9.40 Pavel Pavlov (University of Sofia): Academic Theology and Orthodox Spirituality in the Correspondence between N. Glubokovsky and Fr. G. Florovsky
9.40-10.00 Ion Marian Croitoru (Univeristy of Valahia, Τârgoviște): Problematizări privind dezvoltarea învăţăturii dogmatice în lumea ortodoxă contemporană
10.00-10.20 Nikolaos Xionis (National and Capodistrian University of Athens): Historical Character of Dogma
10.20-10.35 Break
10.35-12.35 Discussion and Final Document
13.00 Lunch in “O, Shipka” Restaurant
14.30 Visit to Ancient Christian Catacombs under the Church of St. Sophia
15.00 Departure for Monastery of Rila (a bus will wait at the Cathedral of “St. Alexander” near by the University of Sofia); Evening service
Wednesday, September 25
Returning to Sofia about 13.00 o’clock (the bus has two stops: Sofia Airport and Sofia Downtown). Departure