Temptations and understandings

Most often the demons frighten on the faithful ones through frequent and fast attacks. They want to demoralize them, to make them to lose their peace. And if the demons succeed this, then they are pleased. Demons make us to forget, us to be afraid, us to have not courage.

But a great enlightenment of God we have then when we understand, that in front of each demonic attack we must remain in peace and not take it in account. For that our struggle is for our inner peace and not for something else.

The demons hate the work, hate the external and internal discipline, hate our seriousness. When they are fighting as to ruin our credibility, they do it for as we stop from our ascesis. And if you stop, then they have fooled you.

The demons profit of our haste or of our state of illness. If we hurry, they put us obstacles. If we are sick, then they attack us in force for to make and harder our state of the disease. Therefore, when we feel that we are troublesome by demons,  we must not ask from us for high performance, but we must resist in silence. For any temptation passes, is not without end, and what matters is that us to be serene and confident in God.

The demons bind of our nescience and of our previous sins. If we do not know a particular sin, they color the sin catchily, for to make us curious for it and so we sin. Or if we liked the sin, the demons bring it back in memory, for us to sin.

What is the sin? It is something that seems pleasing, is a bad curiosity, is a choice with eternal consequences, is an unhappy fortune that hurts us inside. And there is only one medicament for sins: God’s forgiveness.

We sin alone, but we cannot heal on ourselves. In the Mystery of Confession is our healing. For on measure what we confess our sins and repent for them, on so much we heal of the evil from us, of our own inner evil.

And if the sin means interior deformation, God’s forgiveness is the eradication of the ugly from us.