The Sight of God in the Theology of Saint Symeon the New Theologian
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Introduction (4-9)
1. The Biblical and Patristic Premises of the Deification of the Man and of the Sight of God in the Orthodox Theology (10-45)
| 1. 1. The Person of the Divine Logos and His Relation with the Creation and with the Man (12-25) | 1. 2. The Rational and Ghostual Foundation of the Seen World and its Interior Relation with the Salvation of Man and the Transfiguration of Creation (26-35) | 1. 3. The Uncreated Divine Energies and Their Presence in the Synergistic Acts of the Deification and of the Sight of God (36-45)
2. The Sight of God at Saint Symeon the New Theologian and its Implications in the Personal Salvation (46-419)
The Ecstatic Terminology
2. 1. The Symeonian Ecstatic Terminology (46-76)
2. 2. The Most Holy Trinity in the Personal Ghostual Experience (77-107) | 2. 2. 1. The Apologetic Dimension (78-92) | 2. 2. 2. The Personalistic Dimension (93-107)
2. 3. The Sight of the Christ’s Glory and the Path of Deification (108-133) | 2. 3. 1. The Birth of Christ in the Personal Experience (110-119) | 2. 3. 2. The Death and the Resurrection of Christ in the Personal Experience (120-128) | 2. 3. 3. The Ascension of Christ in the Personal Experience (129-133)
2. 4. The Holy Ghost and the Sight of the Divine Glory (134-194) | 2. 4. 1. The Holy Ghost, the True Faith and the Experience of the Grace (135-144) | 2. 4. 2. The Personal Ecstatic Testimonies and Their Validation (145-172) | 2. 4. 2. 1. The First Ecstasy of Saint Symeon (147-156) | 2. 4. 2. 2. The Ecstasy During His Noviciate (157-162) | 2. 4. 2. 3. The Ecstatic Confession and the Validator Comment (163-172) | 2. 4. 3. The Symeonian Ecstasies from the Life Written by Saint Niketas (173-194)
2. 5. The Path of Deification and the Sight of God (195-279) | 2. 5. 1. The Emergence of Light in Those Who are Cleansed of Passions (196-205) | 2. 5. 2. The Unpassion and the Divine Light (206-220) | 2. 5. 3. The Light and the Salvation as Holiness (221-238) | 2. 5. 4. The Union with God and the Communional Images (239-264) | 2. 5. 5. The Divine Light and the Ghostual Father (265-279)
2. 6. The Holy Mysteries of the Church and the Feeling of the Divine Grace (280-380) | 2. 6. 1. The Holy Baptism and the Sight of God (281-301) | 2. 6. 2. The Holy Communion, the Feeling of Grace and the Ecstasy (302-332) | 2. 6. 3. The Holy Confession and the Interior Experience of Grace (333-364) | 2. 6. 4. The Holy Matrimony and the Holy Priesthood as Sacramental Paradigms of Union with God (365-380)
2. 7. The Saints as Living Members of the Church (381-399)
2. 8. The Sight of Light and the Eschatology (400-419)
3. The Receptation of the Theology of Glory in the Orthodox Space and the Importance of its Assuming in the Postmodern World (420-455)
| 3. 1. The Sight of God in the Theology of Father Professor Dumitru Stăniloae (420-431) | 3. 2. The Mystical Theology and its Receptation by the Orthodox Professor Vladimir Lossky (432-441) | 3. 3. The Interior Dissolution of the Man in Postmodernity and the Consequences of Personal Assuming of the Theology of Glory (442-455)
Final Conclusions (456-469) | Index of Abbreviations (470-477) | General Bibliography (478-492)